Unlocking smart living
iLOQ HOME is a digital access management solution that fundamentally changes the way of living in multi-family residential properties.
iLOQ is a leading developer of digital services and software solutions that turn buildings into modern living environments. With iLOQ HOME, we are unlocking society’s demands for more sustainable, secure and smarter living.
How to get iLOQ HOME
If you already have an iLOQ locking system in your home…
…and you want to find out more about unlocking smart living with iLOQ HOME, please contact your property manager or get in touch with your nearest iLOQ retailer.
Find your nearest iLOQ Retailer
If you have another locking system in your home…
…and you would be interested in finding out more about iLOQ and unlocking smart living with iLOQ HOME, please contact your property manager, your nearest iLOQ dealer, an iLOQ sales representative or fill in your details on the Contact form and we will get back to you.
Find nearest iLOQ Dealer or iLOQ Sales Point
Your property already has an iLOQ HOME subscription
Download the app

If you have any questions about the availability of iLOQ HOME in your property, please contact your locking system administrator. For helpful advice on using iLOQ HOME, please visit support.iloq.com.