Avain K10S.7

Paristoton digitaalinen avain

Kaikki avaimet ovat mekaanisesti identtisiä. Pääsyoikeudet ohjelmoidaan avaimeen ja niitä voidaan muuttaa tarpeen mukaan. Avaimen kopiointisuojaus ei perustu patentin voimassaoloaikaan vaan vahvaan elektroniseen salaukseen.

Yksilöllinen SHA-1-siru.
Avain ilman värimerkkiä

Hyödyt ja ominaisuudet

  • Battery-free digital key for iLOQ S10 locking system
  • Key body made of stainless steel
  • Can stand harsh environments, dropping and moisture
  • All iLOQ K10S keys are mechanically identical
  • Secured using SHA-1 cryptographic engine, 64 bit unique secret
  • Access rights/groups programmed at handover
  • Programmed on iLOQ Manager -software with Programming device and system specific Token
  • Reprogrammed with Programming device or remotely via Key Programming Hot Spot
  • Emptied upon return, may be reused, for instance in another locking system
  • Laser stamped one letter and four digit random number
  • Each key has unique identifier and can be individually blocklisted
  • Each key can have own individual time limitation: 2 weekly calendars or 1 weekly calendar and key start date & time or 1 weekly calendar and key expiry date & time or key start date & time and key expiry date & time
  • Key can be used for carrying lost key information to the lock cylinders (pre-blocklisting task)
  • Key can be used for carrying new access right -version information to the lock cylinders