No key handling. No costs for key copies/cylinder replacements. No recurrent maintenance costs. No need to replace cylinders or rekey if keys are lost or stolen.

iLOQ for telecoms
Battery-free, keyless smart locks for optimized field impact
Why iLOQ
Real-time remote access management
iLOQ S50 allows telecoms providers to focus on core business – managing and maintaining sites, not providing access to them.
See more benefits below
iLOQ in practice with major customers
Some of the biggest players in the telecom sector have already decided to optimize their OPEX by migrating to a single locking solution and have deployed iLOQ S50.
Protect your telecoms with iLOQ S50
iLOQ S50 is the world’s first NFC self-powered lock cylinder. This secure solution has been designed specifially to unlock a world of possibilities for Telecoms and other utilities industries.

Nuts and bolts of iLOQ S50

iLOQ S50 product range

Prevent in-house theft
70% of infrastructure site theft comes from in-house key holders – people with unauthorized key copies or just subcontractors looking fot extra money.

Sustainable technology
Keep your sustainability targets by eliminating battery waste with iLOQ´s battery-free solutions.